Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hello bloggers.

Well here I am in blogsphere. Not quite as intimidating as I first thought, and now that I see spell check is included in this I feel quite at ease.
First a little about me for those that don't know me, and maybe for those that think they do.
I am the father of three Sierra 26 , Leo18, and Harlen 13. I also have a granddaughter Zoe 2 1/2 years old. They all live with my wife Lynnette and I in our home in Tustin, CA.
I claim several things as truth. First and foremost Jesus Christ is the King and Savior . I always considered myself a Christian, but three years ago I had to step back and examine my life. I came to the realization that I claimed to be a Christian but had no real relationship with Christ. I mean I went to church and all that, but I seldom prayed or took any time to communicate with God. That's changed now. More on that at another time.
The second thing I claim as truth is that Harley-Davidson is the only motorcycle worthy of being in my garage.
Third and last, (for now) I claim IKEA and all that wonderful do it yourself furniture they sell as my arch enemy. It all seems so simple to but together but in truth it is more a test of sheer determination to see a project to completion that has only pictures for assembly instructions and in some cases as many parts as a DC 10.
That's going to be it for now. I think if we ease into this things will be much smoother in the long run.


Blogger wellis68 said...

good to have a new blogger. You've joined a great cult.

11:08 PM  

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