Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Man I was thinking of all kinds of stuff to wright about while I was at work and now I can't remember any of it. When I ride the mowers at work I have lots of time to think or even meditate, (with my eyes open of course),. I wish I had a quarter for all the times a good idea, or some thought goes forgotten, man I'd be rich. But I'd probably forget where I put all the quarters.

From the bad cop, no doughnut file. A cop in Massachutets had his weapon discharge in the station. To add insult to injury it was his seven year old son that fired the weapon in the station roof. http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/8984482/detail.html .
Hope he isn't doing a gun safety class any time soon.

Thanks to my brother Nelson who let me know sence is actually spelled

Sorry for saying that was Sopheia Loren on Sopranos this weekend, It was Loren Bacall. I stand corrected.

Thats all for now. Hope it made sense to you 'cause right now it makes sence to me


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