Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back from Laughlin.

Well we got back from the Laughlin River Run about 2:00 pm today and man am I tired.
I like the ride there, especially when the weather is favorable like it was this year. Well favorable for everyone but my pal Gil, the guy on the right in the picture below in happier times with Paul Cox of Indian Larry Heritage Cycles. Seems Gil has an in law that has a pad in Bullhead City, AZ where I thought Gil and his Mrs. Gil were going to stay. Bro in law told Gil he wanted to leave early Thursday morning, early like 5:30 am. Now you have to understand Gil's wife is riding in the in laws car because her back won't take the ride to Laughlin, so the plan was for Gil to ride his Harley following the car and then she would ride the last 50 -60 miles with him into Laughlin.

Wait Sopranos started, I'll be back in a second.
Man what an episode!

Ok, so here is Gil 5:30 am last Thursday riding his Harley thru Chino following bro in law on the way to Laughlin. Then it starts to rain. I guess he rode 10 miles in the rain when bro in law pulled over and told a soaking wet Gil that he has a friend that lives near by and that Gil could probably leave his sled there, change into dry clothes and ride in the car with them. So he did.
Obviously bro in law was no biker. They could have holed up somewhere like a coffee house, Dennys, or where ever before Gil got totally soaked and until the rain stopped, but nooooooooo.
Anyhow I bumped into Gil Saturday behind the Flamingo and he told me this tale of woe. In true biker speak I said "bummer dude, lets drink a beer". So we did. Lucky for me too because we sat at the video poker bar and after a few minutes I won $250. I think Gil lost $40. Bummer dude.

Well Lynnette and I got to town with out getting caught in the rain, (next time maybe Gil will listen to me), and had a great weekend. We spent a lot of time people watching which at these events is a must!
Laughlin like any of your large biker runs has so many great people watching opportunities. Guys and gals of all shapes and sizes. Heavily tattooed people, people walking around with snakes, toothless people, some of the scariest looking guys and gals you will ever see, as well as being some of the nicest people you will ever meet. There are beautiful scantily clad young women, oh yah , and scantily clad 40 year old + women too. Most of the 40+ women really have no business dressing like that and in fact would have done a great public service by covering it all up, or by returning to the buffet of their choice to continue their grazing rituals. Egad!

Well always leave them wanting more so I'll pick up on this subject at another time.

Leo told me he mentioned to a friend of ours, Mike Devris, that I am blogging now. He said Mike was interested in reading the blog, but I don't know if I am ready for that. I mean Mike is really smart and I hold him in high esteem and if he reads this he will really know how much it was God that helped my kids and how little my influence was. He probably already knew that though.
Hey Mike, did you know there is a guy that does tattoo work and has the same name as you? . Check it out. For those of you that don't know Mike he is pastor at a small church in South Orange County called South County United . If you get a chance to worship with them do. Services are Sundays @ 5:00 pm.

Oh yes, people before I forget, PLEASE GO TO WORK ON MONDAY. Don't forget the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Also join me in my boycott of mexican food and Cinco de Mayo. I better stop now as I feel a rant will come on if I don't.

Before I go I have to share with you the story of Ron Patrick, a man not satisfied with the powerplant supplied by Volkswagen in the new VW Bug so he took matters into his own hands, by installing a jet engine in his bug. .
Guess he wanted to make a bug fly.... Get it? A bug fly..... Oh never mind.

That's all for now. Hope it made sense to you, "cause right now it makes sense to me.


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