Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy B-Day Zoe

Tomorrow, the 14th is my granddaughter Zoe's 4th birthday. I can't say in words what she has brought to me and my family. So often when I am sick of the world and all it's nonsense she can make me smile . She is a beam of pure sunlight in a world that seems cold and uncaring. She is the gift that gave me back a daughter that I was sure we had lost. She is the one who reminds me what it is too see the world through new and trusting eyes, instead of the jaundiced ones I look through. She is the one that says grace for us before dinner. Thank you God for this little girl.
Well that's all for now. Hope it makes sence to you 'cause right now it makes sence to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zoe sure is a ray of joy from the Almighty! We are all blessed that we get to be renewed by her spirit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

8:01 AM  

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