Saturday, August 12, 2006

20 years in the rear view & forever in front of us

If you remember our last visit Lynnette and I were getting ready to celebrate our 20th anniversary with a ride on the Harleys up the coast to Big Sur. As you can see from the photos she is the one with the style poise, and grace and I am the one with the confused look of a man that isn't sure if that was actually fish in his fish taco.

The ride was great, once you get past Santa Barbara the Central California Coastline just opens it's self up to you. It is a far different experience that driving offers. The wind carries the scent of the ocean and the coolness of the summer air can catch you by surprise, (like it did us).
We rode to Morro Bay the first day and spent the night at a place called The Inn at Morro Bay. Morro bay is a nice quiet little town that has a rock called Morro Rock on it's shore line as it's main claim to fame. Here you can see Lynnette with Morro Rock in the Background.
When we first pulled in I could see The Inn was a pretty nice place with an ocean view and I know that means, I want to go in with Lynnette to check in. Ya see I know I can get some pretty good stares from "the well to do" as I walk in looking like the worst kind of scooter trash and get a room where they stay. Lynn knew what I was upto so she didn't protest very much, and man was I glad. As Lynnette was giving the counter girl our reservation info. she looks at us and is kinda excited when she says "are you guys on motorcycles?" It was kinda a no duh situation, but we tell her yes and that we are on Harleys. It is then that I look at her co worker who is dealing with a couple of well to do 50 something year old yuppies that are staring at yours truly like the I had just cut the worst beer and pickled egg fart in the world. I remained pleasant smiling and nodding hello to them. In hind site I realize I blew it. I should have walked upto them said hello, asked them in they were Christ followers and handed them a Bikers for Christ Tract. Oh well. I have to give them credit though , they kept their distance and kept their hostile looks until we left the lobby. I wish I could have heard the conversation when we left.
The Inn offered a nice restful room with a small hot tub on the balcony that overlooked the ocean. I am bummed that I didn't get any photos to share of the local watering hole we found, but if we get a chance to stop in again I'll visit the Fuel Dock for a quick Coors. The Fuel Dock is a few blocks from the water and is in fact a former gas station, so you can probably guess the motif.

After leaving Morro Bay we stopped at a nice little coastal town called Cayucos, with Big Sur on our minds. Cayucos is another sleepy little town on the Pacific Ocean, the kind of place that makes you think "Man I could move here and be a small town local". The town has a main drag right off the 1 with little shops, a small grocery, a garage and a............ Saloon !!!!!!!!!!
Cayucos saloon is a left over from the stagecoach days. It's a place where 19th century stagecoaches, cowboys, locals, and wanderers would wet their whistle and play poker. I rely like going to places like this, it reminds me of the wild wild west when men were men, and women were as tough as men. One of the cool things about Cayucos Saloon is the murals in the pool room and the fact that they have a card room where Texas Hold'em is still played.

To the right you can see me outside the saloon and to the left is the pool room and two of the murals that cover the walls. Pretty cool eeehhhh.

Well I hate to stop before I can finish my story, but for times sake I have to.

Hope it makes sense to you, 'cause right now it makes sense to me.


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