Saturday, July 29, 2006

I never know what to title these entrys

If I were to have done this earlier today I think I would have called it "Leo's lamentations". You see when I got up this morning I was very stiff and it bummed me out. Then I realized my wife spent the whole might with my granddaughter in her room, and that bummed me out. As I walked around the house it was still and quiet, and humid at 6:30 AM, and that bummed me out. I wanted to ride the Harley, but it was too hot to put on jeans, and that bummed me out. So I jumped into my truck and drove to Magnolia & Adams in Huntington Beach. There is a shopping center there where guys show up with all kinds of antique cars and motorcycles and I thought it would be cool to check it out since I hadn't been there in a few years, and maybe I'd even bump into my old buddy Jonesy. As I drove I was kinda pissy just thinking about all the stuff that was bugging me, work, weather, Harlen being hurt all summer, anything that could keep me in my funk. Isn't it weird that some times when you are in a good funk all you can do is find ways to keep your self there? Anyway, as I walked around the parking lot looking at all the cars I noticed all the motorheads and vintage car enthusiasts talking about this and that. It was very obvious that in many cases these were more than simple conversations between people with similar interests, these were people doing LIFE together! We spend so much time at work and doing house stuff and watching my granddaughter, and this and that and the other that it seems like my wife and I hardly are able to do life together much less share it with others. I've been praying for answers. I want to see more than Tustin and O.C. . I want to spend more time with my bros from Bikers For Christ, or go build homes in Mexico, or have lunch with Mike or Rob or Nelson or whoever. I just need to see the way.

Have I ranted about illegal immigration lately? Maybe I'll start calling it "the Mexification of California".

If you have a friend that has everything I'll bet he doesn't have a shampoo dispenser. Think this is a stupid idea? go to this link and you'll see his next gift.

I heard the best thing the other day. There is this guy in Canada and he had a red paper clip. He decided that he could trade it for something better over and over until he parlayed it into trading for a house. Well in less than a year he completed the quest and has done the final trade and is now a home owner. The whole thing kinda seems like a stoners dream idea come true, but still I just gotta say SSSSWEEEEETTT. Check out his sites:

Well that's all for now. Hope it makes sense to you, 'cause right now it makes sense to me.


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