Friday, May 05, 2006

Tough times in computer land

Well it's been a while since I've been to the old blog. I have been having trouble with my internet explorer. When I try to log on I just get the hour glass for 5 seconds and then nothing. I don't know what's wrong, the problem only affects me, everyone else just logs on as normal. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know what to do.

Last night I went to the monthly Bikers for Christ meeting . I've been riding with them for about a year now and participated in several of their events and runs. Last night a guy named Carl spoke. He said a lot of stuff that I didn't understand, (which isn't uncommon). What stuck with me is that each one of us is the protector of our family. We protect our wives and children from harm at any cost, but have we really taken time to think that we also have a place as protector in our familys spiritual lives? Bringing our children to the Lord and watchingover their spiritual growth, keeping them from falling into worldly ways, and daily prayer for them and their growth. We are helping protect their souls for the Lord and His glory. We are on earth for such a short time, but eternity and the hereafter is forever.

Tomorrow is Harlens birthday. It's hard to believe my little guy is already 14. Hardly a little guy really. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I came home from working second shift and Lynnette said to get a little sleep because she was in labor. A few hours later she woke me up and said to call the midwife, you see we have babys at home. Well I called her only to be told she was with another mother and it might be a while till she got there. In the mean time I was it. For a few hours I really thought I was going to be the one that delivered him, but because he was so big he wound up being born in the hospital after all. Thank you Lord!

Visited my friend Jack today. Jack, or "killer" as he is known to his friends is a guy I know from McDonnell Douglas. Good guy. 79 years old and in better shape than me. He met Harlen for the first time and almost tore his arm off when they shook hands, as is his custom. We talked about the old days at the airplane factory and he showed Harlen some of the cool stuff in his garage like the polish chain saw, (a hack saw with some chain where the blade should be and a spark plug glued to it). He is a good old boy with a great mind and a good disposition. Cool guy to visit now and then.

In the news we have some of the stupidest crooks in a long time. Finally I am proud to say they are somewhere else than in the USA.

Well that's all for now. Hope it made sense to you 'cause it makes sense to me.


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