Saturday, June 17, 2006

Been a long time............

Been a long time seem like an appropriate title since it's been more than a few weeks since my last visit to blogisphere sooooooo here goes nothing.

A few weeks ago I got the call all parents dread, "Hello Mr. Stiles? this is Western Med. in Santa Ana we have your son Harlen here". Seems Harlen fell off his skateboard and into the path of a slow moving mini van. I am not sure what was going through Harlens mind as his attempt to drop down from a drive way approach into the street became a death defying encounter with a mini van on his way to a close encounter with the asphalt on Prospect Street, but I know when the ER called me I was hoping to have just a bruised but wiser son. Well prayers do get answered, and teenage boys guardian angels must be the busiest in the world. When I got to the hospital there he was in a hospital bed with road rash, a little scared, and a little swollen, but basically intact. I say basically because he did manage to break a small bone in his wrist so he gets the fun of being in a cast at the beginning of summer.

Well while we are talking about Harlen it should be noted that he graduated from 8th grade this week, and despite warnings from the principal he still spiked his hair for the graduation ceremony. Sweet.

Did ya hear the one about the guy that stole the police womans uniform? He was hoping for a huge bust..... Get it...??? OK forget it.

Since I am kind of doing topical stuff today there was an article in the L.A. Times, (rag that it is), about Compton school district cops sleeping on the job?,0,1601672.story?coll=la-home-headlines . I so hope one of the photos is outside a doughnut shop.

Thats all for now. Hope it makes sense to you, cause right now it makes sense to me.


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