Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial day weekend post

It's Memorial Day weekend this weekend and, (much to my shame), this is the first time in my life that I am actually thinking about the young men and women that are serving and have served this nation. When I was growing up all the men I knew were vets. There was a draft in those days so they pretty much had no choice, with the exception of the Viet Nam era guys that hauled ass to Canada to escape the draft. I never got drafted because the draft ended just before I would have been eligible, and I often wonder what I would have been like if I had gone into the service. I never wanted to go to war, but if Viet Nam were still going on when I was draft age I would have gone in to the military and not to Canada. I have often listened to vets war stories. Stories about shooting at people and about being shot at, how the experience changed them. About liberating people from Hitler's death camps and how it changed them. About fearing for their very lives and how it changed them. None of them were happy about having to do what they did, in fact the only thanks most would accept would be a simple thank you, but they did what had to be done. The deal is what they did most likely kept the battles from being fought here. The deal is they defended those that couldn't defend them selves. The deal is they layed their lives on the line for someone else, and if you know it or not there is no greater thing one can do that to give your life for another.

That's all for now. Hope it makes sense to you 'cause right now it makes sense to me.


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