Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial day weekend post

It's Memorial Day weekend this weekend and, (much to my shame), this is the first time in my life that I am actually thinking about the young men and women that are serving and have served this nation. When I was growing up all the men I knew were vets. There was a draft in those days so they pretty much had no choice, with the exception of the Viet Nam era guys that hauled ass to Canada to escape the draft. I never got drafted because the draft ended just before I would have been eligible, and I often wonder what I would have been like if I had gone into the service. I never wanted to go to war, but if Viet Nam were still going on when I was draft age I would have gone in to the military and not to Canada. I have often listened to vets war stories. Stories about shooting at people and about being shot at, how the experience changed them. About liberating people from Hitler's death camps and how it changed them. About fearing for their very lives and how it changed them. None of them were happy about having to do what they did, in fact the only thanks most would accept would be a simple thank you, but they did what had to be done. The deal is what they did most likely kept the battles from being fought here. The deal is they defended those that couldn't defend them selves. The deal is they layed their lives on the line for someone else, and if you know it or not there is no greater thing one can do that to give your life for another.

That's all for now. Hope it makes sense to you 'cause right now it makes sense to me.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


It's been a while since my last post, so I hope this one is worth reading. I've been busy with family life, work, and all the little things that get in the way of me sitting at the keyboard for my therapeutic questions and ramblings.

Over the last week two things have been running around my mind, accountability is the first of these things. I believe in right and wrong, as I have previously stated. There are many rewards for doing right, among which include never having to look over your shoulder for those you have done wrong to, a guilt free conscience, (assuming you have one), knowing you please the Lord, and knowing that you can't be held accountable for wrong doing.
Knowing this it should come as no surprise to you that it bugs me when people do wrong and aren't held accountable for it. That's why I watch Cops and any high speed chase I can find. I want to see those people face the fact that they are accountable. Now I know nobody is perfect and I don't mean to suggest that every tiny thing you do wrong should have a huge punishment attached to it; however there just comes a point where I say B.S. that's it I can't take it anymore. Well, well, well, here it comes the high and mighty Leo can't take it anymore. Now I start to think about God. How must He feel when He sees his people stumble and do wrong. Does He call B. S. I can't take it anymore? Well there was Adam and Eve in the garden , the great flood and Noah, Sodom and Gamora, but in each of these cases He held the guilty accountable for their transgressions while taking care of the faithful. In other words He didn't call B.S. on the whole thing. Is this too deep for this forum?

That's all for now. I hope this makes sense to you 'cause right now it makes sense to me.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

No title

Well I just spent nine hours cutting grass at work and what do yah think I did when I got home today? Yah, cut the grass.

Been watching that show Deadliest Catch a lot lately. Man those guys are something else. I can just imagine meeting one of those guys some day.
Fisherman: "Hi my name is Jake, I work on one of those crazy freak'in crab boats on the Bearing sea, deadliest job in the world ya know".
Me: "Ohhh hi I am Leo I uuuuuuhhh cut grass in the park".
Fisherman: "Oh,..... pussy".

Last time I logged on I mentioned I went to a birthday party for an old Dugaloid friend of mine, but I didn't tell much about it. Ya see I am kinda still in shock. I've known all about my friend and his quirks for years so you gotta know we are pretty good friends if I go to his party at a , a, wait for it, it's coming, GAY BAR! OK it's in the open, I said it I went to a freak'in gay bar. Definitely one of the strangest things ever. Queer dude dancing for dollar bills wearing tighty whities, transvestite walking around, dudes holding hands, and drag queens providing entertainment. Think I need a beer. Quite possibly a small glimpse in to hell, well for me it was.
Lynnette and I found a "straight" table with some of my former co workers and I caught up on what has been going on in their lives since my lay off. Good seeing people I hadn't seen in six or seven years, oh yah I need another beer.
My friend is different than many gays. Yes he had this shin dig at a gay bar, but what makes him different is that he is a Christ follower who remains celibate because he knows sex outside of a male female relationship is not pleasing to God. I talked with him on Sunday, and said that I felt like I was seeing a little bit of what his life is like. He told me "No what you see is my mission field. Everyone in here knows I am a Christ follower, and I want them in heaven too".

My three year old granddaughter just siad, "mommy makes me mad when she won't let me floss".

Thats all for now. Hope it makes sence to you "cause right now it makes sense to me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just when you think things can't get any wierder.

How was your weekend? Hope it was good, mine was. It was full of family and friends, celebrations, and just taking it easy. Saturday was Harlens 14th birthday, but we had the celebration on Friday night. Went to pizza and raced go carts at this place called dromo one. They have these high performance go carts that for lack of a better term just are kick ass fast.
We had a great time. Saturday we went to a make up St. Patricks day party at my Brothers house. It was a make up because his wife was in the hospital for an emergency operation at St. Patricks day in March. We even did a little birthday deal for Harlen. Nice. Sunday Lynnette and I went to a birthday for a friend of mine from when I worked at McDonnell Douglas. More on that one later.

Got an email from Kelly's wife Dolores. For those that don't know Kelly he is just one of the best guys you could ever want to know. Fun, that's the word that comes to mind when I think of Kelly. He and his family moved from the California sunshine to North Carolina, the land of affordable housing this past fall. Kelly always made work fun. One of the last things he did before moving to N.C. was to break his own personal best for eating IN-N-Out burgers by downing the 11x11 you see to to right. Thank the Lord for cell phone cameras so I could get pictures. Above you see him trying to figure how to eat the molten mess of beef and cheese, and eat he did. Less than five minutes later it was gone, oh I for got to mention the sandwich and chips he had about an hour before picture below shows Kelly finishing the last bight. Long live the IN-N-Out king!

that's all for now. Hope it makes sense to you 'cause right now it makes sense to me.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tough times in computer land

Well it's been a while since I've been to the old blog. I have been having trouble with my internet explorer. When I try to log on I just get the hour glass for 5 seconds and then nothing. I don't know what's wrong, the problem only affects me, everyone else just logs on as normal. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know what to do.

Last night I went to the monthly Bikers for Christ meeting . I've been riding with them for about a year now and participated in several of their events and runs. Last night a guy named Carl spoke. He said a lot of stuff that I didn't understand, (which isn't uncommon). What stuck with me is that each one of us is the protector of our family. We protect our wives and children from harm at any cost, but have we really taken time to think that we also have a place as protector in our familys spiritual lives? Bringing our children to the Lord and watchingover their spiritual growth, keeping them from falling into worldly ways, and daily prayer for them and their growth. We are helping protect their souls for the Lord and His glory. We are on earth for such a short time, but eternity and the hereafter is forever.

Tomorrow is Harlens birthday. It's hard to believe my little guy is already 14. Hardly a little guy really. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I came home from working second shift and Lynnette said to get a little sleep because she was in labor. A few hours later she woke me up and said to call the midwife, you see we have babys at home. Well I called her only to be told she was with another mother and it might be a while till she got there. In the mean time I was it. For a few hours I really thought I was going to be the one that delivered him, but because he was so big he wound up being born in the hospital after all. Thank you Lord!

Visited my friend Jack today. Jack, or "killer" as he is known to his friends is a guy I know from McDonnell Douglas. Good guy. 79 years old and in better shape than me. He met Harlen for the first time and almost tore his arm off when they shook hands, as is his custom. We talked about the old days at the airplane factory and he showed Harlen some of the cool stuff in his garage like the polish chain saw, (a hack saw with some chain where the blade should be and a spark plug glued to it). He is a good old boy with a great mind and a good disposition. Cool guy to visit now and then.

In the news we have some of the stupidest crooks in a long time. Finally I am proud to say they are somewhere else than in the USA.

Well that's all for now. Hope it made sense to you 'cause it makes sense to me.